The Dragon Fruit

May 28

The Dragon Fruit is possibly still general kind of fruit that common people don't understand what that is. Long time, this fruit could only be found in some countries such as Israel, Australia, Thailand and Vietnam, but in 2001 the Dragon Fruit' name was popular in all most people ear in the world. Slow but sure, this fruit is known in the market and become consumed by people. Moreover now it's began available in the shop and the supermarket. Currently, Vietnam is the biggest supplier of The Dragon Fruit in the world.

It has been analyzed that The Dragon Fruit contain some substances those are valuable for our body. It contains; Moisture, Protein, Fat, Crude Fiber, Carotene, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin and so on.

In general these substances are effective to unloaded the cholesterol, to balance the level of blood sugar, as cancer preventive, the patron of mouth health as bleeding preventive, and whitish complaint medicine. It 's also available to prevent intestines cancer, strengthened the function in of the kidney and bones, strengthening brain efficiency, increased the eyes acuteness, as well as as the cosmetic material. Treated constipation, treated Hypertension, smoothen the face skin and increasing the body endurance.

So, consuming this fruit will get many adventages for uor body.. hm... Have a nice try...

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